Senior Design May 2023 - Team 04
Engineering Art
Reverse engineering the brain is one of the National Academy of Engineers’ 21st Century Challenges—a list of complex problems that are tightly intertwined with engineering and the future. Medical and technical personnel around the world are working towards solutions that will have applications in artificial intelligence, medical treatments, and prosthetics. The knowledge of this challenge is crucial to garnering public support and increased funding. Our goal is to inform and gain the interest of the general public and potential engineers through an interactive art exhibit that converts brain wave activity from listening to music into art.

Team Members
Ayden Boehme

Ayden Boehme is a Computer Engineer who enjoys coding. He has experience in Java, Git, Linux, and a brief knowledge of C. He enjoys frontend app development in Java.
Derrick Brandt
Figma Wizard / ResearcherFrontend

Derrick Brandt is a full stack software engineer with cloud experience. He spends time working with Typescript, C#, Angular, React, SQL, Terraform, and more. He is currently working at TMC. Additionally, he enjoys playing the piano as well as writing short stories about software concepts.
Tomas Elias
Notes Organizer / ResearcherFrontend

Tomas is a Software Engineer. He enjoys playing video games and coding for fun. He is currently developing a stand-alone video game that gets its inspiration from the Pokemon game.
Elizabeth (Liz) Fransen
Communications / Test ExpertBackend

Liz is a Software Engineer. She enjoys the development process and programming languages. She is currently working at Source Allies where she learns development practices such as Test Driven Development and communication with clients. Right now she is developing her own programming language.
Shelby Murray
Note Taker / MatlabBackend
Shelby is a Computer Engineer with minors in Leadership and World Film Studies. She is currently working as a Peer Facilitator for the WiSE office and as an intern for IBM. She has experience in firmware and systems-level development. She enjoys getting lost on campus and watching movies with her roommates.
Juno Robertson
Android Expert / ResearcherFrontend

Juno is a Software Engineer planning to work in the area of mobile applications, embedded software, or databases. She has 1.5 years of professional experience making Android apps in Android Studio using Kotlin. You may know her work, she's a developer for the Android version of MyState! She's also well versed in C, Java, SQL, and more. In her free time, Juno enjoys writing screenplays, drawing, playing the piano, making and wearing cosplay, and watching anime that was probably meant for young children.
Cosette Thompson
Electrical Expert / InstallationBackend

Cosette is an Electrical Engineer with a minor in Music Technology. Her focus is in signal processing and communication systems. Cosette loves to work with interdisciplinary teams and the EE 185 mentor team. She has experience using open source code and SDKs to build interfaces in C++ for auralization applications and troubleshooting hardware issues. She works at KURE on the production team, plays the piano, the guitar, and loves incorporating electrical engineering into her musical hobbies by building and modifying DIY guitar pedals.
Nathan Underwood
Security ExpertBackend

Nathan is a Cyber Security Engineer. He has experience working with the cyber security team at Bankers Trust. He enjoys hardware hacking, penetration testing, and secure programming.
Parker Smith
Student Consultant
Johnny DiBlasi
Faculty Consultant
Johnny DiBlasiis an interdisciplinary artist and researcher whose practice sits at the intersection of art, science, and technology and explores various processes and forms. He works with computational media, data, networks, and artificial intelligence to create interactive installations or computational works that fuse site-specific data structures into a physical architecture. Through various works, he explores the aesthetic possibilities of data gathered in real time and how these aesthetic experiences can connect an audience to the pulse of the landscape in which they coexist. DiBlasi exhibits his works and installations nationally and internationally, and in 2021 he was awarded a Fulbright US Scholar Award for his research and creative project conducted in Vienna.DiBlasi is Assistant Professor of Scientific Visualization and Digital Media in the Department of Art and Visual Culture at Iowa State University. He earned an MFA from the Photographic and Electronic Media program at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, MD. DiBlasi teaches studio courses in video,3D modeling, web design, creative coding and interactive media. Recently, he co-founded a new arts collaboration named [phylum]which brings together other artists and researchers working at the intersection of science and technology. Prior to teaching, DiBlasi worked as a photographer and web designer.
Prof. Rachel Shannon
Faculty Advisor & Client
Weekly Reports
Report 2 (Sep 30 - Oct 7)Report 3 (Oct 7 - Oct 14)
Report 4 (Oct 15 - Oct 21)
Report 5 (Oct 22 - Oct 28)
Report 6 (Oct 28 - Nov 4)
Report 7 (Nov 4 - Nov 11)
Report 8 (Nov 11 - Nov 18)
Semester 2 Report 1 (Jan 17 - Feb 18)
Semester 2 Report 2 (Feb 19 - Mar 4)
Semester 2 Report 3 (Mar 5 - Mar 24)
Semester 2 Report 4 (Mar 25 - Apr 7)
Semester 2 Report 5 (Apr 8 - Apr 21)
Design Documents
Design Review - February 2023Final Design Document - May 2023
Previous Iterations
Design Doc 1 - User NeedsDesign Doc 2 - Requirements
Design Doc 3 - Project Plan
Design Doc 4 - Design Context and Exploration
Design Doc 5 - Proposed Design
Design Doc 6 - Testing
Design Doc 7 - Semester 1 End
Design Lightning Talk Slideshow - Fall 2022Design Presentation Slideshow - December 2022
Project Review Presentation Slideshow - March 2023
Final Presentation - May 2023
Poster - May 2023
Process Book on Github
Video Presentation